Thursday, August 15, 2019

Whisper of the Tide by Sarah Tolcser (Song of the Current book 2)

SPOILER ALERT! If you haven’t read the first book in the series, Song of the Current, Stop! I don’t want to ruin the story for you.

“Caro has settled into a routine: Wake, eat breakfast, try to figure out who is going attempt to assassinate Markos today. The currents aren't exactly calm. Markos is in constant danger, and his claim to the Akhaian throne is largely unsupported. Without military strength he doesn't have a chance. Relief appears on the horizon when a powerful Archon wants to side with Markos in his fight for the throne. But in exchange for an army, Markos must marry the Archon’s daughter. They must decide which is more important: their love for each other or the fate of Akhaia. And Caro will have to decide if her destiny is to sail with the tide, or chart her own course.” - taken from

I had put off reading this book for a while especially since I couldn’t find a recap of the first book. Fortunately, I surprised myself by not needing it at all. A few characters from the first book didn’t return but I feel like the author dropped a major hint involving a minor character. I hope that there is a third book or spinoff to flesh out this new storyline.

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