Thursday, June 16, 2022

Flirting With Fate by J. C. Cervantes


“Ava Granados will never forgive herself for being late to her beloved nana's deathbed. But due to a flash flood that left Ava in a fender bender with a mysterious boy, she missed her grandmother's mystical blessing--one that has been passed between the women of her family upon death for generations.

Then Nana's ghost appears with a challenge from beyond the grave. As it turns out, Nana did give Ava a blessing, but it missed its target, landing with the boy from the night of the storm instead. Was it fate? Ava refuses to believe so. With the help of her sisters and Nana's rather bumbling spiritual guide, she's determined to reclaim her share of the family magic and set Nana free.

For guarded Ava, befriending some random boy is the last thing she wants to do. She's gotten along just fine protecting her heart--keeping people at a distance is a great way to ensure no one ever hurts you. But as Ava embarks on her mission to retrieve the lost blessing, she starts to wonder if getting close to thunderstorm boy is worth the risk.” - taken fro Goodreads.

This was a heartwarming, uplifting story about love and loss. Ava rushes to get to her grandmother's bedside before she dies to receive her blessing. Only she has a minor fender bender on her way. Ava arrives in time to hear her grandmother's last words, a very cryptic message. Soon she realizes that her grandmother's blessing went to the young man she was in the accident with. With the help of her grandmother's ghost and a saint, Ava is in a race to figure out how to take back her blessing from Rion and be able to allow her grandmother's spirit rest peacefully. A magical love story that leaves Ava questioning her disbelief in the power of fate and destiny.

Visit J. C. Cervantes’ website.

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