Sunday, July 17, 2022

Live, Laugh, Kidnap by Gabby Noone


“The only thing Genesis, Holly and Zoe seem to have in common is being stuck in Violet, Montana. Well, that and the fact that Hope Harvest Ministries is trying to ruin their lives.

Genesis lives on a commune that is now an echo of the New Age cult it once was. She’s witnessed power couple Pastor Jay and Ree Reaps transform their sleepy small town into a haven for online Influencers, who flock to Violet, the bible in one hand and Ree’s bestselling ACT LIKE A LADY, PRAY LIKE A BOSS in the other. Now, the Reaps have decided it’s God’s Will™ that they take over Gen’s ranch.

Holly is a begrudging tourist, forced to spend the summer with her estranged father as punishment for her unsavoury behaviour back in LA. To Holly, Hope Harvest is nothing but a gimmicky marketing ploy, but it’s threatening to put her father’s diner out of business and, for some reason, Holly cares.

All Zoe wants is to leave Violet, working thankless shifts at the diner to scrape together enough cash to start a new life with her girlfriend. But Zoe’s mother has lost everything to the church’s multilevel marketing schemes so the little money that Zoe manages to make goes right to debt collectors.

The only solution to their problems is to scam the scammers and protect what’s theirs. It shouldn’t take much – the Reaps’ golden son, an accidental kidnapping, some light blackmail – and the Reaps’ fortune will be in the girls’ much more deserving hands. As long as everything goes according to plan… “ taken from Goodreads.

A hilarious teenage take on a 9 to 5 story line where the kidnappee takes part in a plan to con his parents out of some ransom money so that the four of then can start new lives. Genesis, the girl who grew up in a commune, Zoe, the girl whose mother has given all of their money to the Hope Harvest Church, Holly, who's in town for the summer to stay with her dad, and Dustin, the son of the Church's leaders, join forces not knowing what life has in store for them. A satisfying read. 

Visit Gabby Noone’s website.

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