Monday, October 24, 2022

Defend the Dawn by Brigid Kemmerer (Defy the Night book 2)


SPOILER ALERT! If you haven’t read the first book in the series, Defy the Night, Stop! I don’t want to ruin the story for you.

“To save their kingdom, they must embark on a dangerous journey...

The kingdom of Kandala narrowly avoided catastrophe, but the embers of revolution still simmer. While King Harristan seeks a new way to lead, Tessa and Prince Corrick attempt to foster unity between rebels and royals.

But the consuls who control the Moonflower will not back down, and Corrick realizes he must find a new source for the lifesaving Elixir.

When an emissary from the neighboring kingdom of Ostriary arrives with an intriguing offer, Tessa and Corrick set out on an uncertain journey as they attempt to mend their own fractured relationship.

This could be their only chance to keep the peace and bring relief to the people of Kandala, but danger strikes during the journey to Ostriary, and no one is who they seemed to be. . .” - taken from Goodreads.

Tessa and Corrick are struggling to deal with their lives inside the palace rather than in the wilds. The situation with the Moonflower supply is still tenuous and hopes of a truce between the rebels and the royals is nonexistent. Rebellion looms on the horizon. When a strange ship with ties to Kandala arrives in port with a solution to the Moonflower supply, Harristan and Corrick have no choice but to work to establish trade with Ostriary. Corrick and Tessa will travel to Ostriary to see if they can make an alliance while Harristan stays in Kandala to try and keep the peace, Seperated for the first time since the assassination of their parents, the two soon learn that not everyone is who they seems and those they can trust grows smaller by the day.

With that heart-clinching ending, book three has yet to be announced.

Visit Brigid Kemmerer’s website.

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