Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Plus One by Kelsey Rodkey


“They say that those who can’t do, teach.

Lahey Johnson is notorious for helping her friends and classmates find love. Sure, she’s never had a boyfriend herself. But she could. If she wanted to. Right? She just hasn’t had a reason to focus on her own love life—but now, with her detested cousin Summer’s sweet sixteen coming up, she’s got the ultimate reason: revenge.

Lahey will do anything to prove that she can get a date to Summer’s party—anything, including juggle six prospective suitors in seven days. She’s matched people before—all she needs to do is figure out who these guys are looking for and become that girl. Easy.

The only issue? Her older sister’s irritating friend Adler has decided to take a front-row seat to the spectacle that is Lahey’s life. He can bother her all he wants—nothing will distract Lahey from her goal of one-upping Summer.

But as the party creeps closer, the panic sets in.

Can a matchmaker ever really meet her own match?” - taken from Goodreads.

I really enjoyed this book even though I wanted to shake Lahey at times for her selfishness. For someone who was so good at being a matchmaker for others, she failed miserably when it came to herself. Thankfully, she came to her senses before it was too late.

Visit Kelsey Rodkey’s website.

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