Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe (The Girls I’ve Been book 1)


“Nora O’Malley’s been a lot of girls. As the daughter of a con-artist who targets criminal men, she grew up as her mother’s protégé. But when mom fell for the mark instead of conning him, Nora pulled the ultimate con: escape.

For five years Nora’s been playing at normal. But she needs to dust off the skills she ditched because she has three problems:

#1: Her ex walked in on her with her girlfriend. Even though they’re all friends, Wes didn’t know about her and Iris.

#2: The morning after Wes finds them kissing, they all have to meet to deposit the fundraiser money they raised at the bank. It’s a nightmare that goes from awkward to deadly, because:

#3: Right after they enter bank, two guys start robbing it.

The bank robbers may be trouble, but Nora’s something else entirely. They have no idea who they’re really holding hostage…” - taken from Goodreads.

This was an unexpected book that wasn’t on my radar but I’m so glad that I picked it up. Imagine going to the bank to make a deposit with your ex-boyfriend and current girlfriend and hoping that it will be quick. If that isn’t enough of a nightmare, before you can leave, wwe bank is held up for a robbery that goes terribly wrong. Readers get to meet Nora O’Mallery (not her real name) as she tries to figure out a way to get everyone out of the situation alive. Told in present day with flashbacks to Nora’s previous lives with her con artist mother and hoe she escaped, readers will be clamoring for the ending to see if everyone survives and what Nora chooses to divulge about her past.

Book two, The Girl in Question, is out now.

Visit Tess Sharpe’s website.

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