Wednesday, July 24, 2024

My Mechanical Romance by Alexene Farol Follmuth


“Nerds are so hot.

Especially battle robot building nerds.

Bel would rather die than think about the future. College apps? You’re funny. Extracurriculars? Not a chance. But when she accidentally reveals a talent for engineering at school, she’s basically forced into joining the robotics club. Even worse? All the boys ignore Bel—and Neelam, the only other girl on the team, doesn't seem to like her either.

Enter Mateo Luna, captain of the club, who recognizes Bel as a potential asset—until they start butting heads. Bel doesn’t care about Nationals, while Teo cares too much. But as the nights of after-school work grow longer and longer, Bel and Teo realize they've built more than just a combat-ready robot for the championship: they’ve made space for each other and themselves.” - taken from Goodreads.

Told from both Bel and Teo’s points of view, the story covers their senior year being on the school's robotics team. Bel is a newcomer who is dealing with her parents divorce and trying to find her path for the future. Teo has his entire life planned out down to the last stressful detail. As sparks fly between the two of them, can Bell survive? What is a boy dominated world to find her place? The end of this book was perfect

Visit Alexene Farol Follmuth’s website.

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