Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Winter's End by Jean-Claude Mourlevat

An amazing story about the power of one voice to bring about change. Helen Dormann and Milena Bach are residents at a strict girls' boarding school. One night Helen wishes to visit her consoler in the village and Milena goes along as her companion. Along the way, then meet two boys, Bart and Milos, from the neighboring boarding school and exchange names. As Helen leaves her consoler's house to return to school, Milena has left word that she and Bart are running away from school. After exchanging letters and meeting up again with Milos, he and Helen decide to go after the others. Turns out the Phalange, the group in charge of the oppressive government, had their parents killed because they were part of the Resistance. In a race against the enemy to meet up with the Resistance movement in the capital, past histories and ties are revealed among the characters. When only three reach the safety of the capital, it is a race against time to save their fellow comrade in a fight for their life.

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