Friday, February 28, 2014

Ingite Me by Tahereh Mafi (Shatter Me book 3)

"Fear will learn to fear me."

SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't read the first two books in the series, Shatter Me and Unravel Me, Stop! I don't want to ruin Juliette’s story for you. It also helps greatly if you have read the two novellas, Destroy Me (Warner's story) and Fracture me (Adam's story) to get the complete story.

Juliette woke up to find her life had drastically changed. Warner's father shot her in the chest but Warner saved her life. Sonya and Sarah healed her but were taken prisoner by his father. He lets her know that the war is over because his father found out the location of Omega Point. Everyone she loved; Adam, Kenji and James, are believed to be dead. Warner is pleased when Juliette decides she is finally ready to fight against a The Reestablishment. But the two of them have some unfinished business between the two of them. Warner knows how he feels about Juliette but he cannot have his heart ripped out again. Juliette is discovering that what she thought about Warner and his intentions for her are completely wrong. He too wants to fight against his father and hopes that Juliette will help him. He also sees similarities between her abilities and the condition that plagues his mother. All he has ever wanted was to help her unlike his father. Juliette quickly finds that her feelings and perceptions of Warner are changing.

Warner is able to sneak Juliette out of the compound in a tank and takes her to Omega Point. Her hopes are dashed when sees the crater that is left where omega Point would have been. Shaking, Warner drapes his coat around her shoulders and offers her his gloves. He then shouts for her to get down and covers her with his body on the ground when a gunshot fires. It is Kenji and he is ready to kill Warner. Warner disappears and Kenji is elated to find out that Juliette is alive. Kenji begins racing around to find out where Warner disappeared to. Juliette is startled when Warner touches her but she cannot see him. Turns out he has been practicing with his own powers and is able to steal the powers of others without touching them. He is now invisible by siphoning Kenji's power. Time is running out and Warner tries to get her to leave before the two men end up killing each other. Juliette agrees that Warner needs to attend to business back at the compound but she is staying behind. She needs to know what has happened to everyone at Omega Point. Warner reluctantly leaves her behind with a pager so he can locate her. If he doesn't hear from her in four hours, he will come looking for her.

Kenji takes Juliette back to Adam's apartment. Everyone is surprised and glad that she survived. When Kenji tells them that she was shot and Warner saved her, the room erupts. No one trusts Warner and Juliette tries to plead his case, although unsuccessfully. Adam takes her to James' room for a private conversation. No longer together, Adam is floored that she no longer sees Warner as the bad guy. Even more, he cannot believe that she wants to stand and fight against The Reestablishment. He has resigned himself to try and live his life and be there for James. Before he can ask her about her feelings towards Warner, the outer room is once again in chaos. Warner has arrived at the apartment to make sure Juliette returns home safely. Everyone has their guns drawn on Warner and Juliette stands by his side to protect him. He needs no help since he tapped into another’s powers to disarm them. Juliette lets Warner know she has told everyone about him. Explaining her situation, Juliette tells everyone that she is going to continue to fight The Reestablishment if the only thing she accomplishes is rescuing Sara and Sonya. She also tells Warner that she is not going back to the compound with him. Soon, several of the Omega Point survivors voice their support in Juliette's cause.

Soon Adam has it out with Juliette and does it in front of an audience. He cannot accept the fact that the two of them are no longer together. Both of them have changed; Adam needs to be there for his brother and Juliette wants to live her life, no longer hiding or being a coward. And he has noticed that Juliette has feelings for Warner whether she admits them or not. Kenji takes up for her but Adam is adamant that he will no longer fight and that Juliette is no longer welcome to stay in his home. In her heartbreaking disbelief, she pages Warner to come get her. Kenji tries to get her to stay saying that he will make Adam see the error of his decision and Juliette realizing that their relationship is fractured beyond repair.

Can Juliette rally the survivors of Omega Point to her cause of striking out against The Reestablishment? Will Adam and Juliette be able to repair their friendship? What happens when Warner's father discovers his betrayal? Does Adam reveal the real reason for his hatred of Warner? Will Juliette be able to defeat the Supreme Commander, Warner's father? And what decisions does Juliette make about her future?

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