Monday, May 3, 2010

Valiant: a modern tale of faerie by Holly Black

Seventeen-year-old Valerie Russell is having bad day. First she is kicked off the lacrosse team at school for punching another girl and then when her boyfriend Tom is late for their date, Valerie leaves to go ahead without him. Only when she feels guilty for going off and goes back home, she discovers Tom and her mother are having a physical relationship behind her back. She takes off for the hockey game date solo in New York City and ends up missing the train back to New Jersey. After spending the night in the train station, Val meets Lolli and Sneaky Dave the next morning in a coffee shop.

Val soon joins the gang of vagrant teens who live in an abandoned subway station. While walking through New York City with Sneaky Dave, Val learns that his brother Luis can see things the rest of them cannot. Luis can see faeries and he makes deliveries for them. Indebted to the troll Ravus for saving Dave's life, Luis delivers a potion to the exiled faerie folk in the city so that the effects of living around so much iron are reduced. When Val and Lolli decide to search out where Ravus lives, trouble ensues and Val soon becomes indebted to the troll as well to spare Lolli.

When the faerie folk of the city soon start dying from Ravus' potions, Val is determined to find out who the real culprit is. The second book in the "modern faerie tale" series seems to be a stand alone book from Tithe. A few of the scenes detailing the faerie courts involve characters from the previous book but it is not necessary in the understanding of the storyline. Once again, Black's descriptions make the reader feel like an active participant rather than an observer.

Visit Holly Black's website.

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